Wednesday, 12 December 2007

213CR Studio 9 | Exploring AGS: Getting started

In this studio I set out to take a beginners tutorial in AGS, the Adventure Game Studio Editor. The tutorial can be found here
I used a pre-existing background as a template for my work in this tutorial. Thanks to Michael Merola for supplying this.

Apologies once again, it seems blogger is uncapable of showing images at a high resolution because of the margins that restrict the main blog. When viewing any of these images, to see the image at full readable resolution, please click the image to be directed to the original.

This tutorial established basic functionality such as using the Room editor, and defining interactions, areas, objects and messages.
The screenshots below show my work in progress:

Here I defined walkable areas, mapping the walls and obstructions.

This screenshot shows the walk-behind area allocated near the door of the prison bars.

This screenshot shows the hotspot door, using an interaction with the hotspot to cause a resulting action (moving to player to another predefined room).

This screenshot shows me defining the interaction that takes place between the key and the player. The key once walked interacted with is removed from the room and added to the players inventory.

213CR Studio 6 | Exploring Playability | Yahoo Pool

There are many ways to quantify playability in a game, and using certain frameworks astute

observations can be made upon the users in-game experience.

To do this decisions need to be made about what behavior indicates the experience.

The experiences in focus are listed below:

1 Flow

2 Easy Fun

3 Hard Fun

4 Serious Fun

5 People Fun

Csikszentmihalyi's Flow Theory:

"•Clear goals (expectations and rules are discernible and goals are attainable and align appropriately with one's skill set and abilities).

•Concentrating and focusing, a high degree of concentration on a limited field (a person engaged in the activity will have the opportunity to focus and to delve deeply into it).

•A loss of the feeling of self-consciousness, the merging of action and awareness.

•Distorted sense of time, one's subjective experience of time is altered.

•Direct and immediate feedback (successes and failures in the course of the activity are apparent, so that behaviour can be adjusted as needed).

•Balance between ability level and challenge (the activity is neither too easy nor too difficult).

•A sense of personal control over the situation or activity.

•The activity is intrinsically rewarding, so there is an effortlessness of action.

•People become absorbed in their activity, and focus of awareness is narrowed down to the activity itself, action awareness merging (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975. p.72)." - Lecture Notes - John Halloran

Flow itself can be explained to be when a player experiences enough stimulation and challenge to be enthralled and submerged within the game, but not challenged too highly that anxiety causes the player to want to terminate the gaming experience.

Yahoo Pool: Observations of test

One example of People fun that can be found when using Yahoo Pool is the in-game chat facility and game-advertising chat room. Much amusement can be sought after on the heavily populated Pool rooms socialising with the residents. I noticed this when observing my tester (my housemate) play.

The first time I noticed my housemate experiencing Easy fun was when she decided she wanted to know what happened if she tried to try controlling the snooker queue with her left (weaker) hand. This showed that she was curious to see whether it was possible, precisely the sort of Easy fun that is required to hold a players attention. Relating to Lazzarro's Model this fun was open ended and not to fulfill any objective of the game.

Hard Fun was first experienced when my housemate was snookered. She had to use the projection angles provided in game in order to attempt to rebound the whiteball off the cushion to hit her own ball. This was a challenge especially when combined with the 30 seconds shot time that was enforced in this match. This put greater emphasis on the emergency of the decision making, and almost pushed my housemate into the anxiety zone, with her stating "I cant do it! You do it!". However she persevered and enjoyed the tension resulting from the shot. This was also an example of Serious fun because it was the first time she had really taken advantage of the projection angles and therefore she learnt new practices and techniques. This mapping relating the experience percieved by the player and the task required to fulfill the objectives, relates to Csikszentmihalyi's Flow Theory in that it aqquires the correct balance between ability level and challenge (the activity is neither too easy nor too difficult).

The timer almost decieves people into feeling a false perception of time. A players subjective experience of time is altered by the fact that the shot timer is the only time displayed if the Applet is loaded full-screen. This shot counter starts at 30 seconds and counts down, with the player left to count minutes in halfs in their head. This meant that after fifteen or so minutes playing the game, my tester couldnt tell me whether she'd been playing for fifteen minutes or forty-five. This fulfills part of Csikszentmihalyi's Flow Theory.

This exercise has been useful in educating me as to the many ways of quantifying "fun". The different types are now clearly defined in my head, and this exercise will enable me to conduct usability evaluations and user testing sessions to a higher standard. I will know what to look for when analysing game testers experiences, and I will also hopefully be able to design a better game concept that has a near perfect flow balance, submerging the player deep into the game environment. After evaluation of the observations found during testing, I realised that if I was going to be able to fully document the user experience, I would have to capture video and audio of the user playing the game, to create pinpoint mappings between game events and occurance of one or other concept. I could then watch the video and analyse body movement and voiced opinions at my own speed.

An Alternative framework for assessing usability can be read in the link below. This focuses on how to assess usability for the disabled demographic:

213CR Studio 3 | Use Cases

In this studio I produced five use cases for the game concept I established in previous studios, PlayMaker, the first person shooter.
Blogger unfortunately cannot show the pictures at the resolution they require to be readable, so each of these Use Cases will be shown externally through links provided below:

The narration on each image describes what the use case is attempting to show.

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

What with thecgs going on and all

I thought it would be appropriate to point some of you to the next biggest thing in gaming, competitive gaming. The Championship Gaming Series has been established and is set to launch gaming to a new pinnacle.
The Championship Gaming Series will be the first true professional gaming league, offering a league structure similar to that available for other sports. The league will include teams that consist of paid General Managers and contracted athletes. There will be a draft, season play, special events and a championship, all with beginning-to-end, worldwide, television coverage. The Championship Gaming Series is the genuine gaming sports league game enthusiasts have been waiting for.
The Championship Gaming Series will have unprecedented television coverage, bringing professional gaming into 100 million homes worldwide with the support of DirecTV, BskyB and STAR networks. The Championship Gaming Series is the world's largest stage for professional gaming.
Draft candidates that are offered a contract will receive a yearly fee, paid monthly, that will continue through the contract period regardless of whether the player/team or team advances to the playoffs or championships. Additionally, players will have the opportunity to earn even more through prize winnings based on performance throughout the 2007 season. The more you win, the more you make.

Head on over to

Studio 5 | Planning Your Key Assignment

Studio 5 | Planning Your Key Assignment

After reviewing the options for our key assignment, I have chosen Option 2 because I already have a keen interest in many games both newly released and I currently Beta test two games for Steam.

Report: Usability Evaluation of a Digital Game or Games

Choosing a framework: as an introduction I will discuss briefly Usability evaluations and analyse which framework to use when conducting my own evaluation. It is important that I take into account the fact that I am not a well funded games development house, therefore some frameworks may be impossible to follow strictly, but I will have to find the most suitable that best uses my assets. The framework I choose will also have to be relative to the game I choose to evaluate. A framework for a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game may be very different to a framework created to evaluate First Person Shooters. This means that before settling on a framework I must define the game I am going to evaluate.

The game I have chosen to evaluate is Team Fortress 2, a Half life 2 modification, recently released by Valve via Steam. The production has been going on for the last 8 years, so theoretically these guys must have tested this game beyond comprehension. Usability issues may be hard to find, but in a large scale distributed gaming network, problems and possible exploits are always going to prevail.

I will then define the testing and what is to occur in the usability evaluation, following on to a partially ranked list of problems, sorted by severity and colour coded.

Some of these problems will then be discussed in depth with the aid of screenshots. Accompanying these problems are ideas for possible solutions and possible adjustments that should have been made to the usability evaluation.

Studio 8 | Identifying research activities and methods;

Reading Halloran, J., Hornecker, E., Fitzpatrick, G., Weal, M., Millard, D., Michaelides, D., Cruickshank, D. and De Roure, D. (2006) Unfolding understandings: Co-designing UbiComp in situ, over time. In Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems, DIS 2006. ACM, 109-118.

These are some of the research activities and techniques used by researches at Chawton House:

Usability Evaluation – the advantages of a usability evaluation are that research can be conducted in a controlled environment in order to try and keep the testing consistent. Usability testing showcases possible real life end-users navigating through predefined tasks, voicing their opinions, giving the researchers feedback and acting on the instructors guidelines. The evaluation is often recorded and watched again to analyse a users actions, both on screen from in-game behavior and his actual body behavior and observations visually.

Laboratory/workshop Observation - experienced and recorded by researches but tour actually given by curator, so technically a combination of usability evaluation and Expert evaluation. An expert evaluation acts as a good initial stage before holding the usability testing. An expert evaluation can often draw templates of what experiences and tasks the usability testers should undergo to explore the possibility of usability problems. These expert evaluators also can use their knowledge of similar existing systems(if possible when designing pervasive systems) to enhance the UCD aspects of design. They after all are well practiced and experienced end users, who know what issues may prove to be problematic, and who can provide ideas of possible solutions.

Beta Testing – the school field trip acts as an early beta testing stage for Chawton House, giving the researchers an opportunity to observe a certain type of end user (children) evaluating and testing the system. Also observations are then obtainable via interviews held with the curators after the field trip.

Discussion – brainstorming in more technical terms, acting as a stage for usability requirements and developmental suggestions to be voiced. This gives the end user to create requirements ranging in scope and relative necessity.

Questionnaire – alike discussions in many ways, but a more individual approach. In a questionnaire the person giving the information will hopefully have not have had their views affected by others as they would have in a discussion. Questionnaires are also a good way to let people give feedback in their own time, allowing them to make more educated input.

203 Studio 4 |Decide how far and in what ways Usability Goals and Design Principles have been used in the design of your mobile phone

Usability Goals:







Design Principles:







Usability Goals:

Effectiveness; the K800i has the capability to call, text, email, take photos, videos, make video calls (3G), play music, read RSS feeds, and upload photos directly to a blog. With all this and more the phone succeeds in its effectiveness in that everything works as described. The K800i has a vast range of features, some newly integrated into mobile phone technology.

Efficiency; the K800i’s menu system is alike many other in the Sony Ericsson range, with some small tweaks in the new revision. The waiting times for turning the phone on vary from 6-10 seconds, from opening the camera lens to the phone being ready to take a photo, 1-3 seconds. The phone does not feel sluggish in many scenarios however occasionally when receiving messages/emails at the same time as constructing messages/emails the speed of the text being shown on the screen will fall vastly behind the speed of the user typing the message. This is frustrating as characters cannot be viewed until a second or two after they have been input, so mistakes are most time costly and harder to correct. Also when pressing the Clear/Cancel key and the back button it is easy to accidentally depress the WAP immediate access button, or the shortcut navigating to the “Homescreen” – the area where users can “tab” or alternate between different running applications and “events”. This problem is due to the keys being incorrectly placed near to some of the most used buttons on the mobile phone, and also the way in which the buttons are designed allows accidental contact again and again. One critical problem of this button placement is that once on the “Homescreen” if a user presses the C button again, a dialogue emerges asking whether the user wishes to delete whatever is selected, be it an event such a missed call or text message, or a whole application like Bluetooth or their favourite bookmarks. The user has to press on the joystick to select yes to the prompt, which would be easily performed accidentally in someone’s pocket/bag. This is possibly more of a safety issue than an efficiency issue.

Safety; the phone occasionally freezes up(crashes), occurring more so when the battery is nearing the end of its life, or when the phone has been kept in cold temperatures. After it crashes the phone reboots and any messages or unsaved data is lost. The K800i also receives messages, plays the message alert tone and displays a new message has been received, but if the user tries to access the message whilst the message tone is still playing, sometimes the message is lost and no history of the message being received at all can be found. This is very frustrating because potentially vital information could be lost.

Utility; the phone’s menu system interface is easy to inter-act with, utilising tabs selectable by moving the joystick left/right and drop down menus accessible by pressing the joystick down. The phone has a wide variance of features that are easily accessible.

Learnability; the phones features and functions are easily learnable because the designers of the interface have followed already existing conventions for user design, using menu and data display systems that would seem familiar to desktop computer applications or television menu systems. Much of the learning is easy because the phone has been designed intuitively, using world-wide standards and logos for easy recognition and usability.

Memorability; the ability to map your own shortcuts and macros to a limited number of keys on the phones keypad gives the ability to reduce navigating time to experienced users. These shortcuts are localised around the central joystick and the surrounding buttons and can provide easy access to SMS writing/reading, phone call history, and to the contacts library. Even without these the menu selection system is concise and is easily memorable so much so that an advanced user can navigate through the menu system without looking. One problem with the memorability of the design is the ambuiguity surrounding the “back” button, which more realisticly should be called a “go to level above” button, which instead of taking you back to the last thing you were viewing/editing, takes you to the menu above the menu screen you are viewing currently. This difference can be hard to remember considering the presence of a “not very active” cancel/clear button.

Design Principles:

Visibility; it is clearly visible where you are navigating to and from when using the K800i. The menu system changes enough to display a change in menu, yet not enough to delay a user. The prompts and feedback are shown graphically and usually with accompanying text.

Feedback; audibly each keystroke is represented by a sound on the phone, so input is not only shown on what is displayed on the screen, which is useful when on the phone, the main time where a user will be possibly using some of the in-call functions, but not actually looking directly at the phone. Feedback is also marked by dialogues to ensure accidental deletion and editing of data cannot should not occur. This feedback is much alike the dialogues you would see in a desktop computer application, i.e. “Are you sure you want to delete this?” followed by a simple “Yes” or “No”. Text or selected items are highlighted to display to the user what information has been recorded, and animations occur to indicate waiting or progress.

Constraints; the confirmation dialogue boxes are a major part of the safeguards put in place to ensure a user cannot accidentally cause damage to data or crucial information. These act as another barrier between a user selecting an action he or she did not actually wish to carry out. The phone has alot of information shown not just via text but graphically or via animations too. This helps users to recognise the information shown and for example the text provides an accurate description of what otherwise a picture could not convey. i.e. the graphic to indicate the “Drafts” folder looks not much different from the Outbox icon, but the text conveys the difference adequately. The number pad and keyboard like the rest of the phone, follow arbitrary conventions in order as not to throw the new user.

Mapping; the relationship between the controls and their functions is visible at most times, and the mapping of the keys on the K800i is not at fault, however on the initial menu screen the right hand button accesses the main menu, whereas the left hand button accesses the recent call list, and then once in the main menu screen, the left hand button now selects the next menu option to progress to. This is not a massive mapping error, but it is confusing for new and old users to use one button as the “Select” button to access the menu, then another button whilst on the menu to “Select” again.

Also considering the fact that accidental keypad presses occur mainly on the WAP button and the Homescreen button, I would go so far as to say that these buttons should not be accessible phones central control panel because although these are good shortcuts to have, they are not used regularly enough to risk them being so close to the main buttons. The mapping looks like it has been created to abide to arbitrary conventions.

Consistency; the interfaces on the K800i are consistent throughout the majority of the menu screens, for example the tabs and drop down menu systems occur in the same way on the Contact list as they do whilst in the SMS editor. Without this consistency the phone would seem poorly designed and like a book consisting of chapters written by different authors. It is almost better to have a slightly clumsy design interface, and to be consistent, than to have a smoother design interface that varies in input method/display method/mapping. The phone expresses internal and external consistency, for example the numbered key pad appears in the same format as on other phones.

Affordances; Intuitive affordances include the joystick requiring a push or a click downwards to input data, the button with the back arrow ß indicating back, the button with the C, short for Cancel or Clear and scroll bars that read up as up is pressed. These affordances are intuitively accessible, as people all around the world will understand how a function or a feature is used. Others include on screen displays such as the pause icon showing whilst a song is playing, to indicate the functions available to the user, rather than a play button showing whilst the song is playing, which would indicate what function is being carried out rather than what is achievable by pressing a certain button. With this affordance there are multiple formats of conveying the information required, appealing to different views of constraints.

Monday, 10 December 2007

203CR ‘Yes Buts’ for using UCD for pervasive computing?

Many User Centered Design techniques could seem applicable for use when designing pervasive computing, however because of the very nature of pervasive computing, many of the methods used in UCD are not always the most suitable.

UCD is all about designing interactive technology to meet user’s needs. The problem is that with pervasive computing, the requirements of the user can be so specific and niche that they may not really be expressed as huge needs when undergoing research. Also UCD can cut down on design costs, however when producing technology that no one has fully experienced beyond lo-fi prototypes, it can be expected that refinement and tweaking are needed to produce a fully fledged working version.

User experience is limited, because often in pervasive computing there are no activities similar, this means that a large proportion of UCD can be inconclusive. Sometimes the activity is to use the new pervasive distributed system and that alone, so no other precedents apply. To get over this hurdle designers must explain and document all sides of the user experience so that interviews and initial design briefs can be based on actual user’s requirements. The users have to fully understand the design concept and its use, else theoretical questions regarding their needs and requirements could not take place.

Requirements are also subject to massive variance and change, for example if the environment is outdoor and mobile, the environment is constantly changing and therefore the design must be able to adapt accordingly.

When designing pervasive computing it is often easy for designers to create requirements before they understand the tangibility of their visions. Pervasive computing is on the forefront of integrating technology with existing environments, so the technology being used has not been fully tested, and often its capabilities are not fully known. This means that it can be hard to know your hardware limitations when creating UCD principles and requirements, and time needs to be invested in researching possibilities.

When creating a lo-fi prototype it is the aim to transfer the same design principles from the concept, across to the easy to produce prototype. However when creating complex distributed systems across massive areas and huge variance of environment, a lo-fi prototype will often not be entirely transferable. Prototyping using a human to mock a computer interface is possible, but much research has to be conducted in order to try and take into mind the scope and depth that user’s behaviour will vary with pervasive computing interaction.

It is evident that to ensure that your time spent researching UCD is not wasted, you should not work with entirely “theoretical” user feedback, based on mid or lo-fi prototypes. It is indeed a price to pay, but in most pervasive computing circumstances, user feedback and UCD should occur before and after a working product is designed. This means that often the initial “beta” product will cost almost as much as the final product, but it will be heavily tested and stressed under ranging conditions and with different usability aspects in mind, so that a more user revolved product can be produced.

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

213 - Bethke "The Design Document"

"When one says "Look it up in the design document," folks are generally referring to the game design document. This is the fun document that details all of the characters, the levels, the game mechanics, the views, the menus and so on - in short, the game. The game design document for most designers is great fun; here they get to flesh out their vision with muscles and sinew on top of the skeleton of the game concept that it was before. By no means am I saying it is easy to create a complete design document. Creating a finished design document is so difficult I have never been able to finish one of my own, nor have I seen anyone else his or her design documents. With my two latest projects, Starfleet Command: The next Generation for Activision and Black9, I am certainly taking the design efforts to our highest levels, and I see the results paying off with faster and stronger production.
The game design document is part of a suite of documents that specific the game your are creating. All of these documents i collectively call the production plan:

Concept/Vision/Proposal document
Game Design Document
Art Design Document
Technical Design Document
Project Schedule
Software Testing Plan
Risk Mitigation Plan"