Wednesday, 12 December 2007

213CR Studio 9 | Exploring AGS: Getting started

In this studio I set out to take a beginners tutorial in AGS, the Adventure Game Studio Editor. The tutorial can be found here
I used a pre-existing background as a template for my work in this tutorial. Thanks to Michael Merola for supplying this.

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This tutorial established basic functionality such as using the Room editor, and defining interactions, areas, objects and messages.
The screenshots below show my work in progress:

Here I defined walkable areas, mapping the walls and obstructions.

This screenshot shows the walk-behind area allocated near the door of the prison bars.

This screenshot shows the hotspot door, using an interaction with the hotspot to cause a resulting action (moving to player to another predefined room).

This screenshot shows me defining the interaction that takes place between the key and the player. The key once walked interacted with is removed from the room and added to the players inventory.

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